Emergencies: (649) 232-8773 Office: (649) 941-5252 Emergencies: (649) 232-8773 Office: (649) 941-5252
Emergencies: (649) 232-8773 Office: (649) 941-5252 Emergencies: (649) 232-8773 Office: (649) 941-5252

Medical Doctor

Arlene “Holly” Missick

Dr. Arlene “Holly” Missick BSc Biomedical Science, BMSc Medical Science , M.B.B.S (Pending) Born and raised in Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos Islands, to a Haitian mother and a Turks Islander father, I hail from a bustling, close-knit family. My formative years were spent immersed in the...

Dr. Jan Aler

Dr. Jan Michael Aler MD Dr. Jan Aler has been a general physician for over 15 years. He has spent the first half of his career (2009-2013) in general practice, working as the lead clinician in (2) two secondary level hospitals in the Philippines. Dr. Jan Aler then...

Dr. Agustin Rubinetti

Dr. Agustin Rubinetti MD Dr. Rubinetti is specialized in Internal Medicine with focus on Neurology, Cardiology, Infectious disease, and Hematology. He has served as an ER physician, has further experience in Dialysis in acute facilities and severely ill patients, and in patient care in hospital settings. His clinical...